Subscription Platforms Provide Guaranteed Revenue
The new wave is selling services.Want to run a subscription business similar to Netflix? Don’t rely solely on one off sales, put the power of subscriptions to work for you.
You can choose to run this service with a closed paywall or run it side by side the way you normally sell beats. Subscriptions are created directly with your Paypal and/or Stripe account. Payout are instant and you keep 100%
In-Player Subscription Feature
The Most Efficient Subscription Process Ever BuiltCustomers can easily sign up within the player, this results in 35% more signups compared to sign up buttons elsewhere on your website. Designed by top beat makers and developers providing you a proven process that’s truly industry leading.
SignupZero Fees
We take no fees or percentages when you get signups, subscription profiles are auto created in your Paypal or Stripe account.
Manage your users from the control panel, access users, view amount paid, download count, dates, suspend, more.
Paypal integration means all you need to do is enter your Paypal email address.
Fully automatic from subscription creation, removing accounts if no payment is made, customer subscriptions with allotted monthly downloads.
Instant Payout
No holding process, you get paid the instant a customer signs up for your subscription plan.
Accepting credit cards has never been easier, easy setup using Stripe.
Looks beautiful on all displays.